| SciLab® 5~20Lit Glass Aspiration Bottle Set, Boro-Glass 3.3, GL45 Screwcap With Graduation & PTFE Needle Stopcock/GL32 Screwcap, 글라스 증류수통/카보이 | 237,680원 | |
| SciLab® 2~20Lit Glass Aspiration Bottle Set, Boro-Glass 3.3, GL45 Screwcap With Graduation & PTFE Needle Stopcock/GL32 Screwcap, 글라스 증류수통/카보이 | 166,680원 | |
| SciLab® 2~20Lit Glass Aspiration Bottle Set, Boro-Glass 3.3, GL45 Screwcap With Graduation & PTFE Needle Stopcock/GL32 Screwcap, 글라스 증류수통/카보이 | 166,680원 | |
| SciLab® 0.5~5Lit Glass Aspiration/Leveling Bottle, GL45 Screwcap & White-Graduation With Bottom Outlet, Borosilicate Glass 3.3, 글라스 아스피레이터/레벨 바틀 | 23,780원 | |