| Sealing Clip Set, PP, for Sample Bags, Autoclavable, 플라스틱 밀폐클립세트 | 2,040원 | |
| Draining Basket, PP, Stackable, White, Autoclavable, 4.5Lit Suitable for Drying·Storage·Transfer &c., Lightweight, -10℃+120℃, PP 트레이 | 5,740원 | |
| National® Heavy-duty Drain Basket, HDPE, 21~30 Lit Ideal for Food, HDPE 105/120℃, Stable, 통기/배수형 강력 바스켓 | 12,590원 | |
| Kartell® PS Blood Sample Cup for Auto Blood Measurements Disposable, -10℃+70/80℃, 혈액 분석 장비용 샘플 컵 | 53,310원 | |
| mediclin® 2~3㎖ PS Disposable Blood Sample Cup, for HitachiTM Analyzer, Glassy-Clear Ideal for Sample Analysis & Clinical Pathology Testing, CE Certified, 히타치 혈액분석 장비용 샘플 컵 | 12,520원 | |
| Simport® PS 2.5㎖ Sample Tube for Roche Cobas® Analyzer, Φ12.7×h75mm With Graduated False Bottom, Self-standing, Barcode Label Areas, PS 샘플튜브, 로슈코바스® 진단분석기용 | 391,610원 | |
| Kartell® PS Sample Cup for Enzyme Test System, Boehringer ES 300®/ ES 600® -10℃+70/80℃ Stable, PS 엔자임 샘플 컵 | 25,690원 | |
| Biofil® 30~1,000㎖ PETG Sterile Square Media Bottle, Hi-Transparent Heavy-duty, Leakproof, Accurate Graduation, 멸균 4각 메디아 바틀, 정밀 눈금 | 47,380원 | |
| WisdTM 30~1,000㎖ CleanPack PP Narrow-Neck Lab Bottle, Sterile & Non-Sterile With ASTM Screwcap & Double Sealed Leakproof, Autoclavable, PP 세구병, 멸균 & 비멸균, ASTM | 5,990원 | |
| WisdTM 8~1,000㎖ CleanPack PP Wide-Neck Lab Bottle, Sterile & Non-Sterile With ASTM Screwcap & Double Sealed Leakproof, Autoclavable, PP 광구병, 멸균 & 비멸균, ASTM | 6,930원 | |
| WisdTM PP Straight Sided MeasureTM Bottle, Jar-Type, Precisely Graduated, Autoclavable, 25~1,000㎖ Transparent, with BS Standard Large Neck Screwcap/Lip Sealed, Leakproof, 대광구 메스바틀/ 계량 자, 정밀 눈금 | 5,760원 | |
| 1~22Lit HDPE Clean-grade & UN-certified Bottle, Heavy-duty, Rectangle, with Leakproof Tamper Evident Screwcap With 10,000-Clean Grade & UN RTDG Certified, Good Resistance to Impact & Chemicals, -50℃+105/120℃ Stable, 크린바틀 & 안전바틀 | 21,100원 | |
| 4 & 5Lit HDPE Clean-grade and General Purpose Bottle, Temper Evident, 10,000-Clean Grade, with ASTM 38-400 Screwcap Good Chemical Resistance, Can be used with Bottle Top Dispensers, -50℃+105/120℃ Stable, 크린바틀 & 안전바틀 | 10,900원 | |
| National® PP Air-tight Storage·Transfer Box, with Sealing Lid, 13·29·40 Lit Multi-purpose, Stackable, Transparent, 125/140℃, 운수/저장 밀폐상자, 투명성 | 14,710원 | |
| National® PP Transparent Storage·Transfer Box, with Sealing Lid and Casters, 75 Lit Multi-purpose, Stackable, 125/140℃, 저장/이동 투명상자 | 36,440원 | |
| mediclin® 150㎖ Urine Collection Specimen Paper Cup & Lid, 소변검사용 표본 종이컵, 이중코팅 | 23,360원 | |
| mediclin® 30 & 90㎖ PP Medicine Cup, with Fine Graduation, Autoclavable, 눈금부 다용도 메디신 컵 | 3,570원 | |
| 120㎖ Specimen Container, PP, Sterile or Non-sterile, with HDPE Screwcap, Graduation, Marking Area, Φ63×h70mm Ideal for Urine, Medical Sample, etc., 샘플 컨테이너, 소변 및 의료용 샘플 검사용, 멸균 & 비멸균 | 3,940원 | |
| mediclin® 60&120㎖ Perfect Sealing Specimen Container, All-PP, Sterile or Non-sterile, with Screwcap & Graduation Ideal for Urine, Medical Sample, etc., Leak-proof, Autoclavable, 눈금부 샘플 컨테이너, 소변 및 의료용 샘플 검사용, 멸균 & 비멸균 | 5,090원 | |
| mediclin® 120㎖ PP Convenient Specimen Container and 10㎖ PET Vacuum Tube, CE Certified, Sterile Ideal for Urine Collection·Transportation·Storage, 멸균 샘플 컨테이너 & 진공튜브, 소변검사용, 컵과 튜브 개별 구매 | 29,200원 | |