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(총 20개 상품)
상품명 대표판매가 관심상품/옵션
검색상품 SciLab® Premium Acids/Corrosives Safety Cabinet “SCC-S”, Compliance with EN14727 EU Standard, 124~836Lit. Powder Coated Steel with Safety Melamine Coated Anti-Corrosive Plywood Interior, Spill-Proof PP Tray, Self Closing Door & Locking Type Ideal for Storage of Acids & Corrosives and Flammables, 내부식성 캐비닛, 산 또는 부식성 유해용액 보관용, Resistant Fume/Gas. 1,370,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® Premium 90min-resistant Flammables Safety Cabinet “SCF90-S”, Type 90 by EN14470-1 Standard, 103~720 Lit With 5-Layer Fireproof Structure(Powder-coated Steel·Ceramic-fiber Hybrid·Calcium Silicate Microporous·Gypsum·Melamine-coated Plywood) Automatic Self Closing Door, Patented Safe Drawer-type Shelf, 90분 내화 안전 캐비닛, 유해 인화성 물품(용액) 안전 보관용 2,326,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 33Lit General Purpose PMMA Desiccator, Short- & Tall-form With Digital Thermo-Hygrometer·ABS Frame·Shelf·Desiccant Tray, 범용 PMMA 데시케이터 378,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 164·207·320·640·604Lit Gas Exchangeable PMMA Desiccator, 1 & 4 Room With Digital Thermo-Hygrometer·Gas Valve·Stainless-steel Shelf, 가스치환 데시케이터 966,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 33Lit Auto-Dry PMMA Desiccator, Short- & Tall-form, Dehumidifier ~25%RH With ABS Frame·Digital Thermo-Hygrometer, 자동 습도 조절 데시케이터 615,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 207·320·604Lit Auto-Dry PMMA Desiccator, Analog or Digital-Control, 15~60%RH With Dehumidifier·Digital ℃·%RH Meter·Al-Frame·1Room, 자동 제습 데시케이터 1,930,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 33Lit UV Protected Auto-Dry PMMA Desiccator, Short- & Tall-model, ~25%RH With Dehumidifier·Digital Thermo-Hygrometer·ABS Frame, UV차단 자동 습도 조절 데시케이터 826,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 7~48Lit Vacuum PMMA Desiccator, Clear, with Press-Gauge With Digital Thermo-Hygrometer, Approx - 1 Torr / 133Pa, 진공 데시케이터 948,000 버튼
검색상품 DAIHAN® 33Lit General Purpose PMMA Desiccator, Short- & Tall-form With Digital Thermo-Hygrometer·ABS Frame·Shelf·Desiccant Tray, 범용 PMMA 데시케이터 378,000 버튼
검색상품 DAIHAN® 164·207·320·640·604Lit Gas Exchangeable PMMA Desiccator, 1 & 4 Room With Digital Thermo-Hygrometer·Gas Valve·Stainless-steel Shelf, 가스치환 데시케이터 966,000 버튼
검색상품 DAIHAN® 33Lit General Purpose PMMA Desiccator, Short- & Tall-form
With Digital Thermo-Hygrometer·ABS Frame·Shelf·Desiccant Tray, 범용 PMMA 데시케이터
378,000 버튼
검색상품 DAIHAN® 164·207·320·640·604Lit Gas Exchangeable PMMA Desiccator, 1 & 4 Room
With Digital Thermo-Hygrometer·Gas Valve·Stainless-steel Shelf, 가스치환 데시케이터
966,000 버튼
검색상품 DAIHAN® 207·320·604Lit Auto-Dry PMMA Desiccator, Analog or Digital-Control, 15~60%RH
With Dehumidifier·Digital ℃·%RH Meter·Al-Frame·1Room, 자동 제습 데시케이터
1,930,000 버튼
검색상품 DAIHAN® 7~48Lit Vacuum PMMA Desiccator, Clear, with Press-Gauge
With Digital Thermo-Hygrometer, Approx - 1 Torr/133Pa, 진공 데시케이터
948,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 33Lit General Purpose PMMA Desiccator, Short- & Tall-formWith Digital Thermo-Hygrometer·ABS Frame·Shelf·Desiccant Tray, 범용 PMMA 데시케이터 378,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 164·207·320·640·604Lit Gas Exchangeable PMMA Desiccator, 1 & 4 RoomWith Digital Thermo-Hygrometer·Gas Valve·Stainless-steel Shelf, 가스치환 데시케이터 966,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 33Lit Auto-Dry PMMA Desiccator, Short- & Tall-form, Dehumidifier ~25%RHWith ABS Frame·Digital Thermo-Hygrometer, 자동 습도 조절 데시케이터 615,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 207·320·604Lit Auto-Dry PMMA Desiccator, Analog or Digital-Control, 15~60%RHWith Dehumidifier·Digital ℃·%RH Meter·Al-Frame·1Room, 자동 제습 데시케이터 1,930,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 33Lit UV Protected Auto-Dry PMMA Desiccator, Short- & Tall-model, ~25%RHWith Dehumidifier·Digital Thermo-Hygrometer·ABS Frame, UV차단 자동 습도 조절 데시케이터 826,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® 7~48Lit Vacuum PMMA Desiccator, Clear, with Press-GaugeWith Digital Thermo-Hygrometer, Approx - 1 Torr / 133Pa, 진공 데시케이터 948,000 버튼
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