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(총 7개 상품)
상품명 대표판매가 관심상품/옵션
검색상품 SciLab® Digital Precise Shaking Water Bath “WiseBath® SSB”, Reciprocating Motion, 18·30·45 Lit With Universal Spring Rack, Digital Fuzzy Control, up to 2 lit flask, 20~250 rpm, up to 100℃, ±0.1℃, with Certi. & Traceability 정밀 진탕 항온수조, 왕복 진탕 운동, 디지털 피드백 제어, 고성능 쉐이킹 엔진 탑재 1,623,000 버튼
검색상품 Stainless-steel Cylindrical Bucket, with Lid & Handle, 1~5 Lit Made of Non-magnetic 18/10 Stainless-steel, Rustfree, 비자성 스테인리스 버킷 72,600 버튼
검색상품 1~5Lit Stainless-steel Cylindrical Container, with Lid & Handle Non-magnetic Stainless-steel 18/10, Rust-free, 비자성 스텐 컨테이너 72,600 버튼
검색상품 0.9~3Lit Stainless-steel Water Bath, with Separable Multi Ring Lid Set & Handle
For Indirect-heating, Rustfree, Stainless-steel 18/10, 다단링 뚜껑식 스텐 워터 배스
51,880 버튼
검색상품 Stainless-steel Cylindrical Bucket, with Lid & Handle, 1~5 Lit
Made of Non-magnetic 18/10 Stainless-steel, Rustfree, 비자성 스테인리스 버킷
72,600 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® Digital Precise Shaking Water Bath “WiseBath® SSB”, Reciprocating Motion, 18·30·45 LitWith Universal Spring Rack, Digital Fuzzy Control, up to 2 lit flask, 20~250 rpm, up to 100℃, ±0.1℃, with Certi. & Traceability정밀 진탕 항온수조, 왕복 진탕 운동, 디지털 피드백 제어, 고성능 쉐이킹 엔진 탑재 1,623,000 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® Digital Precise Shaking Water Bath “WiseBath® SSB”, Reciprocating Motion, 18-/30-/45-Lit with Universal Spring Rack, Digital Fuzzy Control, up to 2 Lit Flask, 20~250 rpm, up to 100℃, ±0.1℃, with Certi. & Traceability 정밀 진탕 항온수조, 왕복 진탕 운동, 디지털 피드백 제어, 고성능 쉐이킹 엔진 탑재 1,623,000 버튼
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