| Stainless-steel Sterilizer Can/Box, for Petri Dish, Φ105 & 130×h250mm With Stainless-steel Cover and Removable Rack, 페트리디쉬 멸균통 | 29,270원 | |
| DURAN® STERIPLAN® Petri Dish, Autoclavable, Φ40~200mm Good for Auto-Line, Made of Soda-lime Glass, Popular-model, 기본형 페트리디쉬 | 30,940원 | |
| DURAN® Sectional Petri Dish, Φ100mm, 칸막이 페트리디쉬 | 20,820원 | |
| Stainless-steel Sterilizer Can / Box, for Petri Dish, Φ105/130×h250mmWith Stainless-steel Cover and Removable Rack, 페트리디쉬 멸균통 | 29,270원 | |