| WisdTM 0.2㎖ PCR Tube, PP, Transparency, Ultra Thin Wall With Domed or Flat Cap, -196℃+121℃, 0.2㎖ PCR 튜브 | 42,350원 | |
| WisdTM 0.2㎖ PCR 8-Strips Tube, PP, Transparency, Ultra Thin Wall With Domed or Flat Cap, CE Certified, -196℃+121℃, 0.2㎖ PCR 스트립 튜브 | 60,500원 | |
| Simport® Premium AmplitubeTM 0.2㎖ PCR Tube, PP, with Ultrathin Wall Integral Shield Domed or Flat Cap, Writing Area, 0.2㎖ PCR 튜브 | 80,060원 | |
| WisdTM 0.2㎖ PCR Tube, PP, Transparency, Ultra Thin Wall With Domed or Flat Cap, -196℃+121℃, 0.2㎖ PCR 튜브 | 42,350원 | |
| WisdTM 0.2㎖ PCR 8-Strips Tube, PP, Transparency, Ultra Thin Wall With Domed or Flat Cap, CE Certified, -196℃+121℃, 0.2㎖ PCR 스트립 튜브 | 60,500원 | |
| Simport Premium AmplitubeTM 0.2 & 0.5㎖ PCR Tube, PP, with Ultrathin Wall Integral Shield Domed or Flat Cap, Writing Area, 0.2㎖ & 0.5㎖ PCR 튜브 | 80,060원 | |
| Simport® AmplitubeTM 0.2㎖ PCR Reaction Strip, PP, 8- &12- Tube and Non-attached Caps With Ultrathin Wall, Domed or Flat Cap, -196℃+121℃, PCR 스트립 튜브, 캡 스트립 분리형 | 144,640원 | |
| Simport® AmplitubeTM 0.1 & 0.2㎖ PCR Reaction Strip, PP, 8 Tubes and Attached Caps With Ultrathin Wall, Domed or Flat Cap, -196℃+121℃, PCR 스트립 튜브, 개별 캡 부착형 | 165,130원 | |
| AmplitubeTM PP PCR Reaction Tube Strip, Attached 8 Domed Cap Strips, -196℃+121℃With Ultrathin Wall, Certified RNase·DNase·Pyrogen·DNA-free, , PCR 스트립 튜브, 8-캡 스트립 부착형 | 0원 | |